Thursday, September 29, 2011

Boozing leads to boning.

Overall a majority of my number has occurred due to heavy drinking. If I drew a chart the number of drinks consumed would increase the percentage of the likelihood of me hooking up with someone. I know what your thinking. I think it quite regularly. As I grow up ever so slowly I have three options.

1. Drink less to lessen my percentage of the likelihood of hooking up
2. Control myself when I drink
3. Find myself a boyfriend

All of these have terrible cons attached to them.

1. Drinking less just probably isn't an option unless I want to find an entire new set of religious friends
2. My finer moments happen when I am intoxicated I can't void the world of the moments, like this weekend when I got chased by a cabby for puking in his cab. For the record it was a very very small amount and we gave him $20 for a $6 ride.
3. I have issues with commitment.

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