Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sexual Enthusiast.

Slut. I really hate the word. Society has constructed social norms to associate the word slut with such negativity. Realistically I am just a sex enthusiast. I practice safe sex. I get tested. I take birth control. I buy my own condoms god damn it, so why must it be such a negative thing?

Rule #164 (I have no clue what I am actually on): Refrain from using the word slut, unless you are referencing an outfit or Halloween costume.

How many guys do you know that get high fives for every time they get laid? Or how many of their bros buy them a congratulatory breakfast? It is just ridiculous. This particular double standard just quite frankly pisses me off. But I do happen to have a lot of male friends I hang out with that are impressed with my mad game time after time. But that's not my point.

My point is I do not judge people for being in monogamous relationships and only sleeping with one dude their entire life, so why are you going to point the finger at me and my decisions? Majority of my friends are pretty classy ladies who have never had a one night stand, yes they enjoy my stories but have never had one, but the accept me and my sexual enthusiasm. This is 2012 we have a black president, marijuana is almost legal, and woman can run companies, so why can't I fuck whoever I want and not be called a slut? All I am asking is for society to be more accepting of sexual ventures and turn slut into an adjective to describe a cocktail dress. Just a thought.

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