Monday, February 7, 2011

Hooking Up: It's Not For Everyone

Here's the thing its not like I don't have feelings, its just I have the capability of turning my feelings off. I like to think its part of my charm. It has its perks because not only can I protect myself from douchebaggery that exists everywhere I can also have sex and have it be just that. Just plain sex. Not making love, not anything but straight up sex. The downside obviously is I am more guarded than the freaking White House so when I do actually have feelings its hard for me to express them, but that's a whole different topic for a whole other day.

Rule #5: You may not have feelings when strictly sleeping with someone.

This is a rule that I completely 100% always follow, and trust me it is easier said than done. I've seen countless girls try and battle this demon and watch as it defeats them over and over. Ladies I don't do well with tears so if you do not have the strength to keep feelings out of your sheets then stop. It is not a situation for everyone. Some of my friends use the mentality that is she can do it so can I. News flash I am abnormal and have commitment issues, my feelings switch has come from baggage and past crap.

Where I may not be a girlfriend type of girl like most of my friends, I do take pride in my ability to not give a flying fuck. Countless times ive heard my friends say I am just doing what you do. Then a week later I am wiping tears and pouring pity shots because she didn't follow the rules. Strictly hooking up with people is a hard battle to win and most girls can't hang. There is nothing wrong with having feelings. Nothing at all. There is something wrong with girls who try and pretend not to have feelings and really do.

My piece of advice is if you have feelings invested strictly boning is completely out of the question. And if your feeling switch is in the off position, by all means get it on.

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