Friday, March 25, 2011

Texting, Sexting, and All That's In Between

There is always moment when you realize you need to reread text messages from a night of drinking. As I've been in party mode lately, this has been happening on the reg. And by party mode I mean waking up still intoxicated to the point where if I got pulled over I would indeed get a DUI. Whenever I see an increase in my party habits I see an increase of damage control I have to do after a night of drunk texting. I hardly filter my sober self, so you can imagine what kind of things are sent during prime party hours.

Rule#11: Respond to drunk texts at your own risk.

I for one become uber feisty and beyond honest. I also seem to think that drunk me is always on a mission to find some. Recently I had a night where I texted anyone who has had remote chemistry with me within the last 6 months and sent out a booty call mass text. This is what one would say is a problem. But as you all know I have recently decide to abstain from boning, and am still holding strong.

Last night after a devastating loss to UConn I proceeded to drink my troubles away. I also decided during this time to send some lovely text messages. When your first text message says "you are annoying all the time" chances are you should not be having this conversation. The Constant obviously knew I had been drinking and proceed to respond anyways and the arguing began. My personal feeling is if you get a drunk text and are sober and decide to respond and I respond being rude/mean/feisty its your own damn fault. Needless to say we bantered back and forth, and mind you we are strictly sex friends, so why/what we are arguing about doesn't even really matter. The main point was I wanted some (regardless of the fact I am abstaining) and he was being lame.

Typically if we can't arrange a rendezvous we spend the rest of the evening composing dirty messages. Side note - sexting is completely pointless for me, and I am a pretty visual person. But anyways he seems to enjoy it so why not help the guy out. But unfortunately last night we didn't even get to that because my wasted self loves to argue. So word to the wise if you receive a drunk text for me respond at your own risk.

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