Friday, April 1, 2011

Self Check Out.

This has nothing to do with anything, except that fact that most individuals are stupid. Self Check Out at all major grocery stores is freaking amazing. Mainly because when I shop I like to catch up with people on my phone so I don't have to be rude and not talk to the cashier because I can do it myself. BUT STUPID PEOPLE are totally fucking up the whole thing for everyone.

So dear stupid effing people who have a cart full of groceries. Self Check Out is not for you. I am not sure if you are aware they still have cashiers and baggers to assist you in checking out your $250 worth of groceries. Also to the people with non bar coded items are you freaking kidding me? Who really wants to go through and figure out which damn avocado or onion you grabbed. Again the cashiers are trained to know all of this shit so freaking go get in line.

Its the little things in life that make me happy and most stupid people ruin it. So to all of the above please go get in the regular lines so I can Self Check Out efficiently and in peace.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHHAHA RACH i feel exactly the same way if your buying booze or cough medicine aka anything you need an id for get the fuck out of the self check out! ugh its not rocket science! i could go on for days!
