Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Realistic Relationships.

I have a fear of commitment. It stresses me out to think of spending entirely too much time with one person. But where I do fear relationships with dudes I am one lucky chick who has a group of awesome girlfriends who will hang out with me regardless of all my issues. Recently I have been evaluating my relationships with everyone. Guys, girls, my friends, my parents, the gym, my tivo, and I have come to terms with the fact that sometimes you gotta edit people out.

Rule # 13 (maybe? i've forgotten): Don't waste time on people who don't make an effort.

Overall I am a pretty busy person. I have things always happening in life. BUT I make a huge effort to be there for all of my friends. I make the effort to attend birthdays, graduation, break up parties, family events, I make an effort all around. But my friends not everyone tries as much as I do. I accept that people aren't as awesome as I am (kidding).

Life happens. People change and grow. But once you've changed into someone I cannot relate with and the effort to hang out with you becomes exhausting its time to reevaluate.